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LisaManqi 发表于 2016-06-19 20:27:46, 1回 / 11863阅

关于芝士Expressions about Cheese


1. En faire tout un fromage

Literal meaning字面意思: to make a whole cheese about it把所有关于这个的做成一整个奶酪 

What it really means实际意义: to make a big deal of something简单事情复杂化,弄巧成拙

2. triste comme un repas sans fromage

Literal meaning字面意思: sad like a meal without cheese悲伤的就像没有芝士的一餐饭 

What it really means实际意义: to be very sad非常伤心


关于面包Expressions about Bread


3. avoir du pain sur la planche

What it means实际意思 literally字面意思rally字面意思: to have bread on the board在船上吃面包 

What it actually means实际意思: to have many things to do有很多事情要做


4. Pour une bouchée de pain

What it means实际意思 literally字面意思rally: for a mouthful of bread为了一口面包 

Its real meaning实际意思: for a pittance; for a small amount/cheaply花很少一点钱,非常便宜


关于头盘菜Expressions about entrées


5. Cracher dans la soupe

Literal meaning字面意思: to spit on the soup吐痰吐到汤里 

What it really means实际意义: to be ungrateful忘恩负义


6. Être soupe au lait

Literal meaning字面意思: to be milk soup是牛奶汤 

What it really means实际意义: to be ill-tempered; to have a short fuse坏脾气,脾气暴躁


7. Mettre du beurre dans les épinards

Literal meaning字面意思: to put butter in the spinach放点黄油到菠菜里 

What it really means实际意义: to improve one's financial situation; to earn a little bit more改善经济条件;多赚点儿钱


8. Une quiche

Literal meaning字面意思: A quiche猪油火腿蛋糕

What it means实际意思实际意思: Someone who is bad at doing something某人很不擅长做某事


9. raconter des salades

Literal meaning字面意思: to tell salads讲沙拉 

What it really means实际意义: to tell lies; to tell tall tales; to make up stories撒谎;吹牛;编故事


关于蔬菜和水果Expressions about veggies and fruits


10. Occupe-toi de tes oignons/ Mêle-toi de tes oignons

Literal meaning字面意思: mind your own onions管你自己的洋葱 

What it means实际意思: mind your own business管好你自己的事情,少管闲事


11. rouge comme une tomate

Literal meaning字面意思: red as a tomato像西红柿那样红 

What it really means实际意义: to be embarrassed很尴尬


12. haut comme trois pommes

Literal meaning字面意思: tall as three apples像三个苹果那么高 

What it means实际意思: to be quite short非常矮


13. être dans les choux

Literal meaning字面意思: to be in the cabbage在卷心菜里 

What it means实际意思: to be in a bad situation; in a mess陷入困境


14. Couper la poire en deux

Literal meaning字面意思: to cut the pear in half把梨子一分为二 

What it means实际意思: to split the bill; to reach a compromise平摊费用;妥协、让步、折中


15. Les carottes sont cuites

Literal meaning字面意思: the carrots are cooked胡萝卜煮熟了

What it means实际意思: there's nothing to be done anymore; it's too late没什么要做的了;太迟了


16. avoir la pêche

Literal meaning字面意思: to have the peach有桃子 

What it means实际意思: to be enthusiastic; to be full of energy精力充沛


17. ramener sa fraise

Literal meaning字面意思: to bring your strawberry带来你的草莓 

What it means实际意思: to join a conversation uninvited; to intervene in a conversation without being asked插嘴


18. c'est la fin des haricots

Literal meaning字面意思: it's the end of the beans这是四季豆的头儿部 

What it really means实际意义: there's nothing left; the end of the line什么都不剩了;穷途末路


19. avoir le melon

Literal meaning字面意思: to have the melon有甜瓜 

What it really means实际意义: to be quite sure of oneself; to be cocky很相信自己;过于自信


关于其它食物和饮料Other Expressions about Food and Beverages


20. Mettre de l'eau dans son vin

Literal meaning字面意思: to put water on the wine在酒里加点儿水 

What it really means实际意义: to tone it down平静下来


21. casser du sucre sur le dos de quelqu'un

Literal meaning字面意思: to break sugar on someone's back在某人的背上摔糖 

What it really means实际意义: to bad-mouth someone; to say ill about someone in his absence在某人背后说他坏话


22. Être beurré

Literal meaning字面意思: to be buttered刷上黄油 

What it really means实际意义: to be completely drunk醉得不省人事


23. La moutarde me monte au nez

Literal meaning字面意思: to have mustard coming up the nose芥末上到了鼻子 

What it really means实际意义: to be annoyed/ angry; to see red生气、发火、恼怒


24. Va te faire cuire un œuf

Literal meaning字面意思: go cook an egg去煎个鸡蛋 

What it really means实际意义: get lost迷路


25. avoir le cul bordé de nouilles

Literal meaning字面意思: to have an ass full of (or surrounded by) noodles满屁股面条(面条环绕) 

What it really means实际意义: to be lucky很幸运
