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Bénabar,1969年6月16日出生,原名 Bruno Nicolini,艺名Bénabar更为人熟知,法国词曲创作人、歌手,同时代与之齐名的歌手还有Vincent Delerm等。他的歌曲风格受Georges Brassens、Renaud、Jacques Higelin和Tom Waits影响。他的音乐作品以略带讥讽的口吻描述日常生活见闻为主。

Bénabar以电影起步,在1991年的电影《Le Brasier》中担任助理工作,之后执导了三部短片作品,包括有《Nada Lezard》(1991)、《José Jeannette》(1992)和《Sursum corda》(1994)。后来投身音乐事业的他,在法国、比利时和瑞士等一些小型场地驻场多年,2001年发行《Bénabar》。2004年他成功发行专辑《Les risques du métier》,并荣获chanson/variété年度最佳专辑大奖。其后发行的专辑《Reprise des négociations》销量比之前的专辑都要走俏。

Remember Paris

Do you remember Paris?

We met on Île-Saint-Louis

I told you about the monuments

You made fun of my accent

Do you remember Paris?

I wasn't good in history

To talk with you, to be usefull

Yes, I invented a little

I'm not sure that Paul Verlaine

Used to live by the Seine

And I still don't know really

What is the Conciergerie

Do you remember Paris?

I told you: «Vous êtes jolie»

You had a city guide in hand

I had a few ideas in mind

Do you remember Paris?

A restaurant place Clichy

I chose the wine pretending

To know what I was doing

Do you remember me?

The next morning, Roissy!

We kissed goodbye, you took your plane

I never saw you again

Do you remember Paris?

Do you remember me?

Mon accent est toujours là

Et moi? Moi, je me souviens de toi

Quand je m'balade au bord de la Seine

Je pense à une Américaine!

Do you remember Paris?

We met on Île-Saint-Louis

I told you about the monuments

You made fun of my accent

Do you remember Paris?

I wasn't good in history

To talk with you, to be usefull

I invented a little

I'm not sure that Paul Verlaine

Used to live by the Seine

And I still don't know really

What is the Conciergerie


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