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Emilie Minatchy

Emilie Minatchy
法国 官方网站

Emilie Minatchy,1981年5月9日出生,法国女歌手。

2013年7月推出个人首支单曲《Bye - Bye》,2013年9月23日发行首张专辑《Mon ailleurs》。

Bye - Bye

It's when you understand that

Your life isn't so grand that

You begin to dream

You hope and wonder then how

To make life become good now


And start to say

Bye bye past

Hello to tomorrow

Bye bye


Welcome to you

You feel inside yourself that

Your life is worth nothing

That your dreams

Would never come true

You wanted to stop living

You wish to burn everything

You did not want anymore

Bye bye past

Hello to tomorrow

Bye bye


Welcome to you

Just say goodbye

Just say goodbye

Just say goodbye

Bye bye

When you keep the hope in you

That everything comes to you

Quite naturally

All the moments of your life

That are lying in your mind

Belong …to you finally

Bye bye past

Hello to tomorrow

Bye bye


Welcome to you

Bye bye past

Hello to tomorrow

Bye bye


Welcome to you

Just say goodbye

Just say goodbye

Just say bye bye


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